Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Huquq'llah is the Right of Guardian


By God! In earthly riches fear is hidden and peril is concealed…

Dearly‐loved Friends,

One of the spiritual responsibilities of the followers of Baha’ullah is to observe the Huququ’llah (the Rights of God), a law requiring the payment of 19% of the surplus from the annual income of a Baha’i’s work, trade, or crop.

The Blessed Beauty has acknowledged the payment of Huququ’llah in the Kitab‐i Aqdas, as a means of increasing blessings and bounty, and to cause kindness in different respects.

The USNSA, with the assistance of the trustees of the Rights of God, will be holding 4 meetings on January 31st to Feb 1st 2015, on the East coast of the United States. This is in order to encourage the Friends to pay the Huquq’ullah, and to plan for its receipt.

They also intend to encourage those among the youth who are employed and possess particular skills to pay the Huququ’llah.

We should all observe the following issues regarding the very important status of the Huququ’llah.

1. According to Kitab‐i Aqdas, payment of the right of God is a private and personal affair. No one is permitted to ask for it. No one is allowed to insist upon its payment. Therefore, to hold meetings, public invitations for the Friends, and any such planning for the receiving of the Huququ’llah from the Friends, etc.; all such activities that the USNSA is engaging in, is not in compliance with the Baha’i Revelations.

2. Bahaullah, in His tablet, Lisan‐e‐Huzur (The Language of Presence) has prohibited the attempt to own, collect, or partially/wholly consume the Huququ’llah, without the permission of the authority of the Cause.

Abdul‐Baha, in his Will and Testament, has clearly specified that “only the Guardian is the right authority of the Cause, and the Guardians will be the sole lawful recipients of the Huququ’llah.”

Moreover, in the “Nazar‐i Ejmali Bar dianat‐e‐Bahai” (an Introduction to the Bahai Faith, written By Ahmad Yazdani), the contents of which were approved and confirmed by the beloved Guardian, we read the following:

Payment of the Huququ’llah is a religious obligation; but none are authorized to ask for its payment. It will be collected by the trustee of the Huququ’llah, and will be submitted to the Guardian of each period, that sanctified reference and authority of the Baha’i Cause.And it will be utilized according to his decision.

(A. Yazdani, Nazari Ejmali, p81, no. 29,105 B.E. [1948])

The Universal House of Justice, despite its position in the Baha’i Faith is not allowed to receive the Huququ’llah. Only Shoghi Effendi during his own lifetime, and the Guardians who followed thereafter are authorized to receive and consume the Huququ’llah (Right of God).

3. The UHJ, during its more than 50 years of activity, has not provided any annual or periodic bill, for the large and frequent amounts received as donations, compensation, Huququ’llah, properties of the heirless deceased, etc., from Baha’is worldwide.

This lack of transparency in the financial affairs of the UHJ will lead to severe mistrust. It will also lead to accusations of the misappropriation of funds, accusations like the following: that such large amounts were used for expanding the already overly‐bureaucratic Baha’I administration, for payments to the Elective branch of the Baha’I administration, for the salaries of the 150 staff members of USNSA, or other unnecessary expenses, rather than towards public welfare, charity, or promotion of the word of God.

I sincerely invite the beloved Baha’i Friends to investigate the authorized persons and institutions for receipt of the Right of God

(Huququ’llah), before committing to any such payment.

Sincerely Yours,

Sahba Vejdani

ANSWER BY Mark V. Marangella

Secretary, National Bahá'i Council of the United States

of the Orthodox Bahá'i Faith

Dear Mr. Shahram ,

Your letter of Jan 29, 2015 and its commendable attached document, was recently forwarded to me. The writer (Sahba Vejdani) has exposed the wrong doing of the so called Universal House of Justice (UHJ) regarding the demanding and collecting the Right of God (Huququ’llah), without having any authority to do so and in contradiction to the provisions of the sacred Will and Testament of 'Abdu’l-Bahá.

Sahba has justifiably requested Bahá’is to: “investigate the authorized persons and institutions for receipt of the Right of God (Huququ’llah)”

The Will and Testament of Master, 'Abdu’l-Bahá, undeniably establishes the fact that the Guardian of the Cause of God is the Center of the Cause and regarding the Right of God (Huququ’llah), clearly reveals that:

“It is to be offered through the Guardian of the Cause of God”

Shoghi Effendi, the first Guardian of the Cause of God, has emphasized that:

“According to the Master's Will, which complements the Aqdas, the Huquq goes only to the Guardian." -  (To Mr. George O. Latimer, Portland, Oregon, dated Haifa, June 17, 1933. Extracts from the USBN)

Nosrat’u’llah Bahremand is the Guardian of the Cause of God, the Center of the Cause, and as did the Guardian before him, considers that presently it is not obligatory for the Bahá’is to pay Huququ’llah.

To the contrary:

The illegitimate UHJ, which has no such authority to demand Huququ’llah, is doing just that.   In fact, even a legitimate Universal House of Justice, which in the future and in due time, will be established in accordance to the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu’l-Bahá, cannot claim such authority.

It is important to note that the so called UHJ was spuriously created by the former Hands of the Cause, without authority and in total contradiction to the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu’l-Bahá, in which it is clearly ordained that the Guardian of the Cause of God is “its sacred head and the distinguished member for life of that body. Should he not attend in person its deliberations, he must appoint one to represent him. Should any of the members commit a sin, injurious to the common weal, the Guardian of the Cause of God hath at his own discretion the right to expel him, whereupon the people must elect another one in his stead.” - (The Will and Testament of 'Abdu’l-Bahá)

The Tablet of Lisan‐e‐Huzur, revealed by 'Abdu’l-Bahá, in response to the questions of a person (Wahid Lisan‐e‐Huzur), can be found in the Ma'idih-yi-Asmani, V2 p75.  This Tablet contains a total of 646 words, in response to different questions asked by Wahid Lisan-e-Huzur, of which only 13 words are included in the specific answer by 'Abdu’l-Bahá relating to one unknown question. It is this answer, which was selectively picked up by the bogus UHJ in 1972, that was used as justification for their actions regarding Huquq, which states:

 “Disposition of the Huquq, wholly or partly, is permissible, but this should be done by permission of the authority in the Cause”

Then in their translation from the original text to English, the illegitimate UHJ, in their own words, added:  “to whom all must turn” and then claimed that: “In another Tablet 'Abdu'l-Bahá referred to the Universal House of Justice as "the authority to whom all must turn"

Subsequent to this notice and their bogus claim of authority to demand Huququ’llah  in 1972, the illegitimate UHJ has yet to this day been able to reveal the claimed tablet of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the Bahá’i World or provide any substantiating reference as to its origin.  This is obviously because no such table exist, as it would be in contradiction to what ‘Abdul’-Bahá had made very clear in his Will and Testament, that:

 "the authority to whom all must turn" is none other than Guardian of the Cause of God.

“The mighty stronghold shall remain impregnable and safe through obedience to him who is the Guardian of the Cause of God. It is incumbent upon the members of the House of Justice, upon all the Aghsán, the Afnán, the Hands of the Cause of God to show their obedience, submissiveness and subordination unto the Guardian of the Cause of God, to turn unto him and be lowly before him. He that opposeth him hath opposed the True One, will make a breach in the Cause of God, will subvert His Word and will become a manifestation of the Center of Sedition.”   - (The Will and Testament of 'Abdu’l-Bahá)

Coincidently, in the same Tablet of Lisan‐e‐Huzur, 'Abdu’l-Bahá explains that:

“Aghsan (Branches) are not limited and restricted to certain people, they have perpetual motion, whoever will be steadfast will be accepted and whoever be wavering will fall”

I hope that this response provides you with some clarity as to the question regarding the authority of the illegitimate UHJ in demanding and collecting the Right of God (Huququ’llah).  I would also encourage you to visit the website of the Guardian of the Cause of God, Nosrat'u'llah Bahreman @, where you will find many in-depth and scholarly writings that address the question of the twin institutions of the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice and their sacred relationship, as established by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in His Will and Testament.

As the Secretary of the National Bahá’i Council of the Orthodox Bahá’i Faith of the United States, I warmly welcome any future communication from you and again commend Ms. Sahba Vejdani for her insightful challenge of the illegitimate demands of an absolutely bogus UHJ.

Faithfully in the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh Under the Guardianship of the Bahá'i Faith,


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Never Ending Humiliation for Sincere Baha'is

It seems our Faith in India and abroad is continuously ridden with controversies and scandals. As though the numerous elopement episodes, financial frauds, gross violation of Baha’i stipulations (like consuming alcohol and post marital affairs) and legal violations (like duplicate passports) were not enough, that we have a LSA flexing muscles and interfering in personal lives of the community members.

The LSA of …….(India) has circulated an agenda to discuss personal matter of a sincere Baha’i, ……., which he resisted on ethical grounds that personal matters would become public. Subsequently the LSA ex-communicated him on several pretexts, such as:

a.         How did he dare to write to UHJ?

b.         His interfering in affairs of another Baha’i, Mr. X.

c.         His misconduct with Mr. X, although she had openly abused and accused him.

This Baha’i was summoned several times and subjected to severe humiliation. He was accused to be a liar, a criminal and with indecent family background. He was also accused to be responsible of the poor state of Baha’i Faith in his state.He was never given a chance to defend himself and was always bombarded with fresh accusations.

He bore all of this, thinking a compromise would be reached and having faith in Bahaullah. His torment reached such a state that he has now lost hopes in the administrative order of the Baha’i Faith and indeed in the integrity of LSA members and other Baha’is, including the RBC and NSA who knew all along about the situation of this Baha’i. Finally he was disgraced with ex-communication.

All this because of callous behaviour of LSA of …….. Shameful indeed!

He has started feeling that all this problem in the Faith is due to not having A GUARDIAN of the Faith which was clearly mentioned in WILL AND TESTAMENT of Abdul Baha.

An Open Letter to a Heterodox Believer

Dear [heterodox Bahá'í],

I'm writing this letter in order to express my concerns.

Not too long ago I was sharing the Faith with a close friend of mine whom happens to be a Sikh. I was so excited in having the chance to explain the beautiful Faith to her. We had talked about other faiths as well and how the Bahá'í Faith is prophesied in all the true faiths of the world. But most of the human race doesn't recognize this because they have deviated so far from the truth. Then she asked me a question that surprised me. She asked, "So how can you be sure that the Bahá'í Faith won't deviate from the truth?"

Recently, I have been studying the Will and Testament [of `Abdu´l-Bahá] with some friends. At the end of the session there are 14 questions listed. I was finding my answers to these questions when all of a sudden, it was like a light went on. Question #5, "How will 'the mighty stronghold' of the Cause 'remain impregnable and safe"? The answer, "The mighty stronghold shall remain impregnable and safe through the obedience to him who is the Guardian of the Cause of God."

What a wonderful answer. A Guardian on this earth to keep us from deviating from the truth. A Guardian to translate the Holy Writings. A true living Guardian to guide us to God's Kingdom. How great this would be.

However, the large body of Bahá'ís don't believe this to be true. So then how do the large body of Bahá'ís keep themselves from deviating from the truth?

I read on. After the questions it has some recommended reading. One of them is the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh. So I read it again, looking for an answer as to how Bahá'ís can be sure that they are staying true to the Faith.

Of course, it continuously talks about the importance of the Guardianship. One quote that stands out in regards to my question is "Without such an institution, (the Guardianship) the integrity of the faith would be endangered. It's prestige would suffer, the means required to take a long, uninterrupted view over a series of generations would be completely lacking, and the necessary guidance to define the sphere of legislative action of it's representatives would be totally withdrawn." Without the Guardian the integrity of the faith would be endangered. So how is the Faith, at this present time, being kept from becoming endangered if it's believed by most that there is no Guardian?

Later, I had asked one of the friends how Bahá'ís are supposed to keep themselves from deviating from the truth. He told me that the Bahá'ís, in order to remain true to the faith are to follow the Will and Testament of `Abdu´l-Bahá. Well let's have closer look.

"By this body (the Universal House of Justice) all difficult problems are to resolved and the Guardian of the Cause of God is its sacred head and distinguished member for life of that body." But if there is no Guardian, there is no sacred head. How can a body live without a head?

"The Hands of the Cause of God must elect from their own number nine persons that shall at all times be occupied in the important services in the work of the Guardian of the Cause of God." How can this instruction be fulfilled when soon there will be no more Hands of the Cause within the large body of Bahá'ís? And therefore, they can not continually "elect from their own number nine persons that shall at all times be occupied in the important services in the work of the Guardian of the Cause of God."

It is incumbent upon every one, "to show their obedience, submissiveness and subordination unto the Guardian of the Cause of God, to turn unto him and be lowly before him." Another instruction that is not being followed, because it's believed by the large body of Bahá'ís that there is no Guardian.

"This body of the Hands of the Cause of God is under the direction of the Guardian of the Cause of God. He must continually urge them to strive and endeavor to the utmost of their ability to diffuse the sweet savors of God, and to guide all the peoples of the world..." So, if it's believed by the large body of Bahá'ís, that there is no Guardian and soon no more Hands of the Cause who is going to guide all the peoples of the world?

These are just a few excerpts taken from the Will and Testament that already, aren't being followed. Again because it's believed by most that there is no Guardian.

But with a living Guardian the instructions in the Will and Testament could be completely followed. No question. How wonderful that would be.

What have I been told about the Will and Testament of `Abdu´l-Bahá? How important is it to the Bahá'í Faith? It's of the utmost importance. That it's as if the Words have come from Bahá'u'lláh himself. That together, the Will and Testament with the most Holy Book, "are inseparable parts of one complete unit." They are both Holy Writings that can not be changed or altered. Shoghi Effendi states, speaking of the Administrative Order, that no one shall, "misconceive its character, belittle its significance or misrepresent its purpose. The bedrock on which this Administrative Order is founded is God's immutable purpose for mankind in this day."

What I see happening right now with the large body of Bahá'ís is terrifying. Because from what I see, if the Will and Testament is supposed to keep everybody true to the faith and nobody is following it, they must be already deviating. This is one of the reasons why I believe it is so important to have a living Guardian on this earth today.

Isn't there any possibility that Shoghi Effendi chose his successor and he went unrecognized?

Damaris Campbell